What is a KPI?

A key performance indicator (KPI) is a metric used to measure the success of a specific aspect of a business or organization. KPIs are typically used to track progress towards specific goals or objectives. And, can help a business understand whether it is on track to achieve its targets. Let’s take a closer look at why KPI’s are important.


Different Types Of KIP’s

There are many different types of KPIs, and the specific KPIs that a business uses will depend on its goals and industry. Some common examples of KPIs to understand include:

  1. Financial KPIs: These are metrics related to a business’s financial performance, such as revenue, profit, and return on investment (ROI).
  2. Marketing KPIs: These are metrics related to a business’s marketing efforts, such as website traffic, lead generation, and conversion rates.
  3. Customer KPIs: These are metrics related to a business’s customer experience, such as customer satisfaction, retention rates, and loyalty.
  4. Operational KPIs: These are metrics related to a business’s internal operations, such as productivity, efficiency, and quality.

By regularly tracking and analyzing relevant KPIs, businesses can identify areas of strength and weakness, make informed decisions, and optimize their operations to achieve their goals.

Why Are KPI’s Important?

KPIs are an important way to understand if the overall goals of your company are being met. Here are some of the biggest reasons why you need key performance indicators.

  • Keep your teams aligned: Whether measuring different project success or employee performance, KPIs keep teams moving in the same direction.
  • Provide a health check: Key performance indicators give you a realistic look at the health of your company, from risk factors to financial indicators.
  • Make adjustments: KPIs help you clearly see your successes and failures within your company, so you can do more of what’s working in terms of business success.
  • Hold your teams accountable: Make sure everyone provides value with key performance indicators that help employees track their progress on tasks.


Key performance indicators should relate to a specific business outcome with a performance measure. Overall, remember to keep your KPI’s aligned, actionable, and measurable. A good KPI is realistic, straightforward, and easy to measure. Feel free to contact us today to learn more about how we can assist your company in developing strong KPI’s.